Hello, my fellow book peeps! Some amazing authors have put together a special promotion of FREE and Discounted ebooks that keep on giving.
The Gifts Aren't Only From Santa crew are gearing up for two days of FREE and discounted for charity!
That's right. December 14th and December 15th, treat yourself to a buffet of ebook joy by visiting Amazon and downloading FREE ebooks or heavily discounted titles where 100% of the proceeds go to the Children’s Hospital. How cool is that to be a giver and a receiver all at one time?!?!
Also, be sure to join the Facebook Event on Friday, December 14th, for a three-hour event of games and giveaways of awesome prizes donated by these amazing young-adult-fiction authors. Invite your friends, too! There will be something for everyone: ebooks, autographed paperbacks, bookmarks, jewelry, Amazon gift cards, picture books, even a popular DVD! The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 12 noon PST.
Want to get a heads up on the great novels coming up for FREE or discounted? Go here to peruse the titles. Just make sure you don't drool on the keyboard. You'll need it for the December 14th Facebook fun.
These are the talented YA fiction authors that are participating:
Diana Murdock - Souled
Angela Orlowski-Peart - Forged by Greed
Amanda DeWees - The Shadow and the Rose
Julie Cassar - Ruby Blue
Angela Brown - Neverlove
Gwen Gardner - Givin’ up the Ghost
Fabio Bueno - Wicked Sense
Linda Leander - Inzared, Queen of the Elephant Riders
"What if I don't have a kindle?" you ask. Well, that isn't a problem. Got a smartphone (android, blackberry, iPhone), computer (Mac or Windows-based), or a tablet (iPad or android tablet), then you can download a FREE kindle app and take advantage of these great titles being made available to you.
Don't forget to enter to win some great prizes in the Rafflecopter as well. Yeah, we're just loving the giving spirit! Make sure to share this with everyone so no one misses out on the fun, prizes and ebook galore!